Tentacle Flogger ©


Our Tentacle Floggers are made from 300 Small Woven Rubber Bands per fall.

Welcome to the home of the Tentacle Flogger. From what we have discovered, we are the only people in the world who make these. This flogger is made of over 2700 tightly woven rubber bands that are latex free. Please read the long description below to design your one-of-a-kind implement. If you desire a pattern or color combination that is not listed, please contact us and we’ll see what we can do.

Tentacle Floggers are ©2017-2022 House of Graves Shop, Diana Schmus.

SKU: N/A Category:


General Description:
Our Tentacle Floggers are made from 300 Small Woven Rubber Bands per fall.

Welcome to the home of the Tentacle Flogger. From what we have discovered, we are the only people in the world who make these. This flogger is made of over 2700 tightly woven rubber bands that are latex free. Please read the long description below to design your one-of-a-kind implement. If you desire a pattern or color combination that is not listed, please contact us and we’ll see what we can do.

Tentacle Floggers are ©2017-2022 House of Graves Shop, Diana Schmus.

Special Attributes:
Small loop of paracord at the end for hanging your flogger for storage.

Our Tentacle Floggers have a very unique sensation, a combination of thumps and sting in about equal measure. Additionally, the harder you throw the more the falls will stretch and create a unique feeling as they contract again across the skin (possibly pulling on any hairs that may be present).

Special Note:
When using this flogger, be sure to follow through with your swings. Being this is made with very springy rubber, it will bounce back at you if you don’t carry your swing through. Also, the falls are attached to the handle only with pressure, first by very tightly wound rubber tape and then with the Paracord Grip. Be careful of pulling on the falls too hard or they might pull out of the handle. You can pull and stretch them a fair bit, but if you pull on them too much or too hard they might come loose. Although, this has never happened to our knowledge, the possibility is there.

  • Materials:
    * Small Rubber Bands
    * Latex-Free
    * 8″ Wooden Dowel Rod
    * 8″ Handle
    * Approximately 9 17″-18″ Falls
    * Approximately 26″ Long Overall
    * Weighing Approximately 0.65 Lbs.
    * Balanced
    * Fully Customizable

Customize Your Product:
This item is handmade and custom-made in your chosen colors, so length and weight may vary slightly per item.

The handle grip is done with a Chinese Staircase. You can select from either a single staircase or a double staircase. This braiding makes a better grip on the flogger and a decorative styling in either the single or double staircase. Select one color for the single staircase and one or two colors for the double staircase.

These floggers can only be made in either a solid color fall or stripes. Stripes are generally done in one of three general patterns: Identical, Rotating, or Checkerboard. Below is a description of how these options work.

Fall Stripes:

Solid Falls means each fall is one solid color. (Choose each of the 9 color options for each fall or just Fall Color 1 to make them all the same color.)

Stripes means that each fall is done in specific colored stripes from tip to handle. (Choose only the number of colors for the same number of stripes you choose.)

Fall Pattern:

Identical Falls means each fall is made exactly the same way.

A checkerboard pattern means that every other fall is offset by one color then the next fall returns to the previous pattern. (i.e. on a 3 stripe fall that is Red/White/Blue: Fall one would be Red/White/Blue, Fall 2 would be white/Blue/Red, Fall 3 would return to Red/White/Blue, Fall 4 would be White/Blue/Red, etc…)

A rotating pattern means that each fall is offset by one color.
(i.e. on a 3 stripe fall that is Red/White/Blue: Fall one would be Red/White/Blue, Fall 2 would be white/Blue/Red, Fall 3 would be Blue/Red/White, Fall 4 would return to Red/White/Blue, etc…)

If you would like a more specific pattern of stripes, or variations in the sizes of each of the stripes (in general all stripes are kept to the same size), or other colors than are listed currently we can try to accommodate your request. Just send us an email or use our Contact Us page to let us know what color(s) and/or Patterns you would like and we’ll see what we can do.

Tentacle Floggers are ©2017-2022 House of Graves Shop, Diana Schmus.

Additional information

Weight 0.65 lbs
Dimensions 27 × 1.5 × 1.5 in
Handle Color 1

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Black, White, Gray, Pink, Brown, Tan, Rainbow

Handle Color 2

None, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Black, White, Gray, Pink, Brown, Tan, Rainbow

Fall Design

Solid, 2 Stripes, 3 Stripes, 4 Stripes, 5 Stripes, 6 Stripes, 7 Stripes, 8 Stripes, 9 Stripes

Fall Pattern

Identical Falls, Checkerboard Falls, Rotating Falls

Fall Color 1

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Black, White, Gray, Pink, Brown, Tan

Fall Color 2

None, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Black, White, Gray, Pink, Brown, Tan

Fall Color 3

None, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Black, White, Gray, Pink, Brown, Tan

Fall Color 4

None, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Black, White, Gray, Pink, Brown, Tan

Fall Color 5

None, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Black, White, Gray, Pink, Brown, Tan

Fall Color 6

None, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Black, White, Gray, Pink, Brown, Tan

Fall Color 7

None, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Black, White, Gray, Pink, Brown, Tan

Fall Color 8

None, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Black, White, Gray, Pink, Brown, Tan

Fall Color 9

None, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Black, White, Gray, Pink, Brown, Tan


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