Send Us a Tip or Buy a Gift Card!

~ OR ~

Please See Below for Details and Instructions!

Suggested Tip: $0.00



This page serves several purposes for our Shop:

  1. To allow those who wish to send us a tip the ability to not only send one but also to choose their amount instead of having preset options. As we have to charge sales tax on the other items we will be using this page for, we have to do so for tips as well. So, please keep that in mind when choosing how much you want to send us. Sales tax is about 6% of the total of all items in your cart at the time of checkout. (Any yes, you can submit a second order just to send us a tip, if that makes it easier for you.)
  2. This also gives us an easier way to sell singular, one-off, unique items at events that are not listed on the website. (For times when we have to use the website to take credit/debit cards.)
  3. Additionally, this allows us to charge a customer a specific custom price when they contact us about making them a special order for an item that we do not carry or isn’t listed on the site currently for some reason. Plus, this gives us the ability to offer, not only a gift card option “Gift Cards” to the site, but a way that you can send a gift card in ANY AMOUNT you like! (See Below).

We are adding the ability for customers to buy “Gift Cards” for Friends, Family, or that person you have a secret crush on. 😉 Simply enter the amount that you wish to send them and their details (on the form below). Be sure to add “GIFT CARD” And Your Real Name (as you will enter it in the checkout) at the top of the message so we know what it is for and which Order it goes to, also include any message you want to send to the  Gift Card recipient, their name (first name only, nickname, or scene name are acceptable), and an e-mail address for them. We will then send them a private email with a coupon code for the amount you entered. If you do not enter a message including your name, they will not know who sent it, and we won’t tell them either. 😉 It will be sent anonymously directly from the shop to the email address you provided within 48 hours.

(IMPORTANT NOTE! Be sure you enter the correct email address for them! Once a code has been used, we can’t send it again or refund the money to you! You can attempt to contact us if the email doesn’t arrive within 72 hours of submitting the order… However, if it has been sent to the wrong email and is promptly used by the owner of that email, there is nothing we can do. Sorry.)

Message to us that you’d like to include with your Tip or Gift Card recipient details form:


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