Florentine – Electric Eel Set


Our Electric Eel Sealed Floggers are made for use with a Violet Wand or other similar device. A perfect bridge between impact play and electrical play!

See the long description below for more information.

This item is for a set of two Florentine Floggers. They are made to be as identical as possible for ease of throwing.

This set is discounted from our normal price. A great deal.

SKU: N/A Category:


General Description:
Our Electric Eel Sealed Floggers are made for use with a Violet Wand or other similar device. A perfect bridge between impact play and electrical play!

Special Attributes:
This unique flogger can be used with a Violet wand, Neon wand, or any other similar electrical device. It is specially made to conduct electrical current through the flogger into the person you’re working with. Simply use a body contact probe/pad on the thrower/top to electrify your body, then take the flogger, turn on your wand, and the electricity will be transferred from you to the flogger and into your catcher/bottom.

The metal ring on the end can be used to hang your flogger up for storage. It can also be used as a finger grip for throwing.

Our sealed 550 paracord floggers give a bit of a thump with a nice medium sting on the tips. The more of the falls you hit with, the more of a thump you’ll get. The more you hit with just the tips, the more sting you will get. On top of this sensation, you will also receive an electric shock if used with a Violet Wand or other similar device. Additionally, this type of paracord has a rougher texture, due to the metallic tracers, giving a slightly scratchier feeling than a standard paracord flogger.

Set Description:
Each Florentine set is a matched pair. That is to say that the weight, length, width, and the number of falls in each one are identical to its mate (well, as close as humanly possible, usually within less than an ounce of difference). This makes it easier on your body when you’re using them. You don’t have to worry about one side of the body getting a better workout than the other. Additionally, your bottom will receive the same sensation from each flogger without one being more or less intense than the other.

  • Materials:
    * 550 Paracord With Metallic Tracers
    * 1.5″ Steel Ring
    * 5″-6″ Handle
    * Approximately 48-50 17″-18″ Falls
    * Melted/Sealed Fall Ends
    * Approximately 24″ Long Overall
    * Weighing Approximately 0.44 Lbs. Each (0.88 Lbs. together)
    * Balanced
    * Fully Customizable

Customize Your Product:
This item is handmade and custom-made in your chosen colors, so length and weight may vary slightly per item.

The handle grip is done with a Chinese Staircase. You can select from either a single staircase or a double staircase. This braiding makes a better grip on the flogger and a decorative styling in either the single or double staircase. Select one color for the single staircase and one or two colors for the double staircase.

Make your flogger personally yours by selecting one or two colors of your choice. Colors on this item are currently limited to only those listed. Our supplier may run out of stock from time to time so shipping times may be longer than initially expected.

Additional information

Weight 0.88 lbs
Dimensions 24 × 1 × 1 in
Handle Style

Single Chinese Staircase, Double Chinese Staircase

Handle Color 1

Blue Knight, Dark Knight, Green Knight, Red Knight

Handle Color 2

None, Blue Knight, Dark Knight, Green Knight, Red Knight

Falls Color 1

Blue Knight, Dark Knight, Green Knight, Red Knight

Falls Color 2

None, Blue Knight, Dark Knight, Green Knight, Red Knight


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